Wednesday, May 7, 2008

GTA 4 gets a 10 out of 10

The highly anticipated hit series Grand Theft Auto released its 4 installment on last week to rave reviews. Rarely does a game get a perfect 10 out of 10. Well folks, this one did. So in honor of GTA's perfect score, we present you with the top 10 reasons to hurry and order your copy from Video Game King if you haven't.

10. Controlled Chaos

While the story of GTA has always been good, and admittedly GTA IV has the best story so far, you can’t deny the fact that there is nothing cooler than going off and screwing around the city stealing cars and wreaking havoc while ignoring all of the main plot. I like to call it controlled chaos. And while this has always been a cool feature, what makes it even better in the fourth installment is the fact that when you choose it ignore these missions it actually effects your relationship with the characters trying to contact you. So if you ignore them too much you may not even get to move on with their missions.

9. Hot Babes

Ok the object is not to be perverted here but to make a point. I have always found it absolutely hilarious that you could pick up hookers to get health and then beat them up to take your money back, I mean really? This is what gets people going on games? Well in GTA IV I have yet to see a hooker (though I am sure they are out there), but instead as you rise to the top of the crime world you can now have many different girlfriends, and while you probably won’t score on the first date, if you play your cards right with some fun and original dates, then you will get to hear the overly fake screams of a women who is in love with Nikko, trust me it could be the most hilarious thing in the game.

8. Hardcore Cops

Ask anyone who rides a sport bike and they will tell you that many of them love to try to outrun the cops. GTA makes it better because if caught you won't have to spend the night in jail...literally. The cops though have always been a fun little obstacle in the game, you can kill them and then see how long you can out last them while gaining even more stars making it more difficult to stay alive. In previous games, three stars or lower and you were pretty guaranteed to get away, however in GTA IV cops won’t just try to catch you, they will make every attempt to ram you in a head on collision to throw you from the vehicle, making three stars one of the more challenging things to overcome.

7. Hiding Behind objects

None of the previous installments allowed you to hide...until now. I love games where you can take fire, and ever since Gears of War one of the coolest things to do in games is blind fire, well in GTA you can do just that (and incredibly accurately I might add), but with any weapon you have, that’s right if you choose to fire a rocket launcher over the top of a car without looking you are more than welcome to do so. Just for kicks, give it a try.

6. Cheat Codes

Mr. Incredible said it best in the movie The Incredibles,
If everyone is Super, No one is Super
I believe the same applies here, if everyone cheats...then no one cheats. And trust me, this is a game that you must cheat on. Why? Who wants to run around for 8 missions with nothing but a pistol? No one! Well with the help of a few numbers and letters you can easily use the GTA universe to become your own personal matrix, and have a slew of vehicles, health, cops, and weapons at your command. GTA IV provides excellent cheat codes as well via your cell phone that allows you to easily remember the numbers to getting you whatever your little heart desires. Check out the cheat codes at our website for available cheats.

5. Fighting Controls

This fighting system in previous GTA's left much to be desired. This edition got a total face lift in. Past games had a pretty easy fighting system which lead to button mashing most of the time, well now with some well timed maneuvers you can do counter attacks and disarms (disarms include breaking a guys arm to steal his knife). This not only raises your levels of ways to kill people, but the entertainment level of the game as well. Making it one of the cooler things one can do in the game. Which leads me to number 4.

4. Killing Innocent Civilians

How can walking up to and putting a cap into a passerby be cool? I know it may sound abhorrent but I love killing civilians in this game. You can shoot them, blow them up, beat them to death, or run them over, but for some reason every time I do it, I love it. Now while this part of the game didn’t change much between the last GTA and this one I will say you have to watch out because some citizens have decided that they are heros and will actually come to the rescue of someone you are beating mercilessly, of course this just gives you reason to beat, maim, run over or pop a cap into someone else.

3. Carjacking

Now why would you have a game entitled Grand Theft Auto if that wasn't one of the pluses of the game. Seriously, it feels great when you can simply walk up to someone’s car and pull them to claim it as your own, well now my friends they delve even deeper into the meaning by stealing cars that are parked. That’s right, no longer will you be able to walk up to any parked car and expect it to be unlocked but now you actually have to break the window and hot wire that son of a gun. The level of detail with the cars is even more astounding. I lifted a Dodge Viper and couldn't believe it. I actually broke into it and drove off. It isn’t that hard to do, but it adds a sense of realness to the game when the cops start chasing you.

2. Choices

Radio Talk personality Neal Boortz always says,

You are where you are in life because of the choices that you make.

GTA seriously took every good video game and rolled it into this single accumulation of awesomeness, as much as I enjoy bioware’s choice games, I can now do the same thing in GTA IV. That’s right while I was on a mission I came across the choice to either kill the guy I was chasing or let him live (of course I killed him), this however progressed the game in a different way, and I was able to get closer to another target by gaining his trust. The other guy chose to betray me. So the choice is yours, and that level of freedom makes any game amazing.

1. Online multiplayer

Now remember that whole talk about taking other cool games and rolling it into this one? Well the greatest thing about GTA IV is getting a friend online, and wreaking havoc together. I don’t know how many hours I spent yesterday raising hell in Liberty City with my friend Damion, but I can tell you it was a lot...too many to be exact. You can have one person drive while the other shoots, you can drive separate cars, you can beat the crap out of each other etc. The moral of this story is that you can have as much fun as you want, destroying as much stuff as you can WITH a friend, making it the biggest reason you MUST purchase Grand Theft Auto IV.
So seriously what are you waiting for? Get yours today at Video Game King.

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