Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bioshock Review

I asked my good friend D. Benson to write a review of Bioshock. This is what he had to say about the game.

A. Davis

This game is unlike any first person shooter I have ever played; And I mean that in a good way. First, the environment is unlike any I've played in. Its kinda hard to describe but I'll try... Dark, spooky, damp, mid 1960's but futuristic if that makes sense. (You'll see what I mean.) The sounds and the music help to make this game an instant classic and give you the feel of a past era that you want to know more about. There are somewhat dramatic yet ere indications in the soundtrack notifying you of impending danger. You seem to appreciate the game (or movie) more when the composers can create music that fits the theme. This game accomplishes that task flawlessly.

Now on to the good stuff...The graphics on an HDTV are awesome! The scenery and everything in it will grab your attention from start to finish. Think about how difficult it is to show damage on just about everything when you strike anything with your trusty pipe wrench. Their are some unique weapons like the chemical thrower and crossbow and of course the familiar guns like the shotgun and pistol. Your weapons can be upgraded either to do more damage, hold more rounds or to consume less fuel or ammo. Choose wisely how you upgrade because it will affect your game strategy down the road. No two players will play the game the same way. Why you might ask? Ammo is kinda hard to come by here. In order to be successful, be sure to use your environment to damage your enemies. You can electrocute enemies standing in water, blow up oil filled barrels, and "hack" things such as turrets and security cameras to make them work for you. This come in very handy and is fun to see unsuspecting enemies taken down in a barrage of gun fire from weapons they thought were their allies. Blood and guts are standard of course! Another plus is you have no radar. No radar actually enhances the feel of the game forcing you to constantly keep your head on a swivel to see where the next foe is attacking.

The most unique and vital part of this game is the use of genetically altering plasmids used to give you various superhuman powers to use against your enemies. I wont give them all away but telekinesis rocks! Especially when using it to hurl grenades back at those who just hurled them at you! Surprise, surprise, surprise! This is truly what makes this game different and not run of the mill. I think everyone will enjoy this game in part because everyone who plays will probably use a different strategy from the next gamer. Yes indeed, there really is more than one way to skin a cat!

I admit, I was skeptical when asked to check this game out but about ten minutes into the game I found that I did not want to put it down. Maybe its the graphics, or the inherent enjoyment of blowing stuff up, or maybe its just time for a break from "traditional" first person shooters. In any case, bottom line is Bioshock can and will keep you happily, satisfied and occupied..... At least until Halo 3 comes out 9/25/07. (hey, lets keep it real).

D. Benson
Ellenwood, Ga.

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